

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017 0

Monday, September 4, 2017

Xrag tools ragnarok

September 04, 2017 2
Xrag tools ragnarok
This xRag Version is 2.4 is outdated it can bypass only Gepard lowerversion , but the latest Gepard cant bypass by the latest . If im not mistaken the current

No Delay Bypass (Linkz 1.4)

September 04, 2017 2
No Delay Bypass (Linkz 1.4)

Linkz 1.4

- No Delay
- Free Walk
- Fast refresh

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Thank you!!

Ragnarok Online - Easy Macro for Dummies - Ultimate Macro 2016

September 04, 2017 0
Ragnarok Online - Easy Macro for Dummies - Ultimate Macro 2016
OUTDATED - Check New Thread HERE
Wassup folks, this is a long overdue program, since Ragnarok is super old already...
- It is 2016 already, wouldn't it be nice if Ragnarok have smart-cast option like League of Legends ?

Making macro is now made easy, even if you don't know Autohotkey.

Features :
  • Single Macro --- Looping SEND, CLICK (optional) until button is release.
  • Chain Macro --- Looping SEND a series of keys with optional CLICK until button is release. 
  • Custom delays
How does it work ?
This is a simple AUTOHOTKEY script that read the keys inside the ROSC.ini and make it a hotkey

How To ?
It is as easy as writing down the hotkey name.

Note : 
- There are 2 Send Modes for hotkey :
Take F3 for example
  • Normal Mode--- Loop ( PRESS BUTTON -> CLICK -> WAIT )
  • Usable Mode--- Loop ( PRESS BUTTON -> WAIT ) - For potion use, or self-cast skill that require no click.
    "F3,u" <--- put ',u' after the hotkey to use 'Usable Mode'.

-How to make a Single Macro:
For this example, lets make the button F3 a macro.
  1. Open 'ROSC.ini'
  2. Start a new line, type in F3
  3. Save, and run ROSC.exe
 - This will make the button F3 a macro.
that means when F3 is pressed down, it will continuously send F3 -> Clickuntil F3 is release.


-How to make a Chain Macro:
For this example, lets make a chain combo macro that repeat
 F1 -> F2 -> F1 -> F3-Click when F1 is down.
  1. Open 'ROSC.ini'
  2. Start a new line, type F1=F1,170,u|F2,170,u|F1,170,u|F3,250
  3. Save, and run ROSC.exe
  • When F1 is press
  • Send F1 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F2 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F1 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F3 with normal mode, which is SEND -> CLICK -> Sleep 250

- The syntax is <Trigger Hotkey>=<Hotkey1>,<Sleep>|<Hotkey2>,<Sleep>|<Hotkey3>,<Sleep>|.....

IMPORTANT ----------------
The FIRST FOUR LINES of the 'ROSC.ini' file MUST be :
  • Macro Skill Delay ( in millisecond, 1000 millisecond = 1 second )
  • Macro Usable Delay ( for hotkey with ",u" next to it )
  • Pause Hotkey - for chatting ( to change hotkey, see Hotkey)
  • Exit Hotkey - Just in case the script get stuck
ROSC.ini examples 
120      // SPEED : Skill Delay (in millisecond)
100      // SPEED : Usable Delay (in millisecond)
!p       // Alt + P ; Pause Script Hotkey
!Esc     // Alt + Esc ; Exit Hotkey
         // "//" = comment start
         // Empty lines will be ignore
//s      // Put '//' in front to disable a hotkey
z        // Hotkey Z, Use Z and CLick
a,u      // ",u" for usable, for Spamming pots without click
//x,u    // Anything behind '//' will be ignore

Leave a comment/thanks or share with your friends if this helped you !

RO - Auto Potion ( Autohotkey Remade ) 2016

September 04, 2017 0

Hello, I should have posted this on Christmas, but it was delayed because of the holiday events ^_^

This was requested by a friend, to make an auto potion similar to the one on garenathai because it no longer works for him. I tested it myself, and it works fine. But i won't pass on a good opportunity to code, so here it is !

- All credits go to the main author --- Merry Christmas !

Hello, there was some problems with the .exe file, and the link has been fixed, thank you ! 
How to use:
  1. Focus on your RO client, then press Ctrl + F1 to select the client.
  2. Help the script locate your HP bar by Left Cick on the HP bar

the rest should be easy.

----- Note -----
Keep your 'Character Info (Alt + V)' window OPEN AT ALL TIME, and the HP/SP bars must be VISIBLE AT ALL TIME for this to work. DO NOT block the Basic Info window with F12 or any other windows.

Same with ALL of my scripts, it will NOT work if your server blocked Autohotkey scripts
(Gepard, etc..)
----- Extra -----
I noticed that server with RagnaShield block the command ControlSend, so I made 2 send modes in ROAP.ini
  1. normal = Send Command - Press a key
  2. control = ControlSend Command - Send a key to a client window.
The default is 'normal', and you may change it to whatever works for you. :)

Ragnarok Online - Auto Potion/Autopot ( Autohotkey ) - Original

September 04, 2017 1

Hi again, I'm back with another original scripts for you all.
I had seen many other AHK scripts that tried to do this but here is my version.

This was tested successfully on Window 8, in a server without Game Guard or third party protection so if you can't use it. Your server has blocked ahk.

What makes this different from other script ?
- All of my scripts are unzip and run, NO NEED to edit any RO files or extra steps

How does this work ?
- This script set a timer to keep check of the pixel that you pick, and when the color of the pixel change, a potion will be use

How to ?

Set HP : 

  1. Click "Pick HP coordinate"
  2. Read the warning box ( this can be turn off  )

Click 'Okay', or simply press 'Enter' then move your mouse to the HP bar

  1. on to location that you want this script to check then click.
  2. Set potion hotkey, this button will be press every time the coordinate's color change
  3. Done
To set SP, do the same as above. Leave one blank to monitor one bar or set both to monitor both HP/SP bars.

***After setting Potion Hotkey and the percentage press the default Start Hotkey : Control + Q to start the program, remember to turn it off with Control + W when you die or it will spam the hotkey non stop. Or when you enter through portal, it will make the screen flash -> use few potions.

I recommend you guys to use F1-F9 for potion hotkey, so you can also chat when being attack and using auto-pot.


  • Save - Save your coordinates, colors, hotkey for future use
  • Load - Load your saves